Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Humorous Episode From My Young Life

I am someone who has always been in church, Ever since I was a baby that is all that is the most important part of my life that I will always remember. Centers of worship are important for billions of people on our world. We need the hope that there is someone bigger  who is watching over us and taking care of us. Most of mankind seem to cling to this hope.

I come from a strong Christian heritage so naturally I came to believe in Jesus and God the Father, Yahweh.
I was raised by a Baptist family and early on in my life we lived directly behind a Baptist church so that was handy. I started being taken to a church before the church I have just mentioned when I was a baby in my mother's arms. By the time I was about one we moved and started going to the church I mentioned earlier.

One of the moments that I remember I think before I reached ten years old was a Mother's Day service. Now on Mother's Day churches usually recognize the oldest mother in attendance at the worship service
and the youngest mother. That particular morning, however, our pastor wanted to give special attention to every mother there. Well, I must not have been paying attention very well because when he said the word "mother" I thought he said the word "brother" so I stood up and looked around then quickly sat down and though I don't remember I imagine several of the members were laughing good naturedly at me. Well, it was a lesson. And I will never forget it.

Mother's Day is a special recognition day that is held in most houses of worship in the United States and elsewhere. I admit it is difficult for me to attend one of these services because my mother is dead now but I
remember her everyday, not just one day a year.

Mothers should be special to everyone. And I hope that you have fond memories of yours and enjoy her if she is still with her.

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