Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Any Dark Shadows Fans Out There?

In 1966, a television series premiered that had a large impact on the world of daytime entertainment. The producer of a little known "soap opera," (best referred to as a daytime drama but originally these kinds of shows were sponsored by companies that sold cleaning products to housewives who watched daytime tv) dividend a possible way to save his series from what seemed to be imminent cancellation. It was set in a large gothic mansion so what better place could you wish for to find ghost, phoenixes, and other creatures that would attract more of an audience. Surprisingly the audience it attracted was kids and teen agers for the most part and some adults to. After all, the casting director new what he or she was doing when such beautiful women and handsome me were chosen to be on the series.
After a while it became obvious the show was still waning.  So producer Dan Curtis came up with another idea: Why not bring a vampire on to the show? They managed to get in touch with stage actor Jonathon Frid's agent. Apparently someone in the casting department had seem him perform before somewhere.
But when Frid was told of the part by his agent he was reluctant. He was in the process of moving to Florida. But the agent told him that the show only expected him to be on the series for about five weeks and since Frid needed the money he accepted the audition offer.
To shorten a long story, the ratings of the show soared with Frid's Barnabas Collins on it. A sympathetic vampire? That was a new gimmick to make fans feel sorry for Barnabas because he had be thrown into his curse, he did not volunteer for it.

Now, almost 50 years lattter, what is left of the original fans and actor continue to enjoy the show. It is available in home video, audio books of new stories dramatized by actors from the original cast continue. A remake movie featuring actor Johnny Depp's has been made too. So interest continues. It would be nice if the cast could get together to do a video and post it on YouTube, the way the remaining cast of the original Star Trek did last year. That was a fan paid fiction sponsored by Kickstarter.  We will just have to wait and see.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Why I Like Star Trek

Star Trek means a lot of things to a lot of people. For some it means that it is something else for nerds to get into. To counter that I would say: Well, everyone is a nerd about something. Some people collect stamps.Others love to go hear a classical orchestra play. Still others love sky diving. I never have understood that obsession.There is an element of danger in that. I have friends who enjoy repelling. But I have artificial hips so I can't participate in anything like that. Now I am 60 and I have to cope with arthritic problems so very physical activities are out of the question so I have resorted to other  pursuits (gee, now I even talk like Spock!).

When Star Trek first debuted in 1966 I was eleven years old. At school, after the series had been airing for a few weeks and the talk among my friends at school was mainly about this new show called "Star Trek" I hesitantly decided to try it out. I had been a major Bewitched  fan and that was Star Trek's competition at that time slot and I had watched that show since it started so breaking away from it was hard.

But when I finally watched Star Trek I thought, Wow! The only other show I had ever felt anything like that for was a 50s series that I had seen in reruns called The Adventures of Superman starring the late great actor George Reeves. He was not the first actor to bring the comic book hero to life but he will never be forgotten either. More about him and his impact on my generation later.
But I did get Star Trek fever and I have had it ever since. The episode where  Kirk and company landed on a world that was modeled after a 20th Century Roman Empire got to my imagination. The landing party received help from a religious cult called The Children of The Sun. And one of them, who looked very athletic, was a run away captured slave who had been forced to fight in their games. At the end of  the episode when all was well they were all on the bridge trying to sort out everything they had been through.

They were all curious about The Children of The Sun cult because there were no sun worshipers in ancient Rome so Uhura (the communications officer) explained to all of them that they had it all wrong.She had been listening to some of the radio broadcast from the planet and an announcer tried to make fun of the cult and could not. Kirk looked bewildered. Then Uhura said," Don't you get it. They were no talking about the sun up in the sky. But the Son of God."

Then Kirk mentioned both Caesar and Christ. That they had had them both. And the news was just then spreading.

It took me years to get the significance of that episode. But Star Trek had clearly mentioned Christ and not used that word as a curse word like it is today. Now I respect every and everyone's beliefs. I do this because this country was founded on the principle of Pursuit of Happiness and Disestablishment of Religion. In other words, no one religion would have power over all of the others. This is what was happening before the Revolutionary War. England was only endorsing one certain Church as legitimate and paid its staff through taxed money. That is why we have our freedoms today. Naturally it was the Anglican Church.

Well, I learned a lot of history watching Star Trek as well. Some think us fans have made Star Trek into a religion. It is true that there is a certain philosophy mentioned in Star Trek called the IDIC: Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. That simply means that human races or alien races are all supposed to be treated equally and with respect. That does not mean that we have to agree with each others opinions but we can try to get along with each other and it really looks like we need to do that now in our time because just as Star Trek spoke to the generation of the 1960s it can speak to this generation which is apparently experiencing some of the some problems as were happening then. Live long and prosper.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Humorous Episode From My Young Life

I am someone who has always been in church, Ever since I was a baby that is all that is the most important part of my life that I will always remember. Centers of worship are important for billions of people on our world. We need the hope that there is someone bigger  who is watching over us and taking care of us. Most of mankind seem to cling to this hope.

I come from a strong Christian heritage so naturally I came to believe in Jesus and God the Father, Yahweh.
I was raised by a Baptist family and early on in my life we lived directly behind a Baptist church so that was handy. I started being taken to a church before the church I have just mentioned when I was a baby in my mother's arms. By the time I was about one we moved and started going to the church I mentioned earlier.

One of the moments that I remember I think before I reached ten years old was a Mother's Day service. Now on Mother's Day churches usually recognize the oldest mother in attendance at the worship service
and the youngest mother. That particular morning, however, our pastor wanted to give special attention to every mother there. Well, I must not have been paying attention very well because when he said the word "mother" I thought he said the word "brother" so I stood up and looked around then quickly sat down and though I don't remember I imagine several of the members were laughing good naturedly at me. Well, it was a lesson. And I will never forget it.

Mother's Day is a special recognition day that is held in most houses of worship in the United States and elsewhere. I admit it is difficult for me to attend one of these services because my mother is dead now but I
remember her everyday, not just one day a year.

Mothers should be special to everyone. And I hope that you have fond memories of yours and enjoy her if she is still with her.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Well, here I go folks. Trying again. I tried to get my own domain blog but it was too expensive for my budget. And since I am already a part of Google I decided to combine what I have at John Wards World with John Wards Wonderful World. I am a writer and soon I intend to begin my autobiography so all that I am doing here is for practice.

Just a little about myself. I recently past the sixty years old mark. I still just feel like a big kid though. A "young at heart" is what I think my attitude is popularly called. I have done several things in my life. I guess it has be kind of an adventure.   I starter out at a very young age believing I was going to become a Baptist minister. My parents could not hardly see how that would be because I had a terrible speech impediment and I was very shy.

But over time things happened and by the time I reached high school I had come under the care of  the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department in my home town of Anderson, South Carolina. Eventually they had a conference with my parents and told me about a doctor in Charleston, SC, who was developing a procedure called larynyx reconstruction if they were willing for me to try it. The State of South Carolina was going to pay for it. And it actually worked! After years of speech therapy everyone could clearly understand me!

My doctor encouraged me to get into music so since I was in high school I joined the school choir and I thought the drama class would me good for me too and it was and it was fun and really helped me get out of my shyness. When I went on to college I joined the choir there and my voice sounded professional. And we actually were able to record a couple of albums during my time there

So the Lord has blessed my effort to serve him. In my time I have served as a youth minister, a music minister, a supply pastor when a church needed a fill in minister when there regular pastor was away and an interim pastor when a church was between pastors. I also work regular jobs and enjoyed them. I got to meet the public that way. My final job was in a hospital in the housekeeping (now called Environmental Services) department and I loved it because I was able to be with patients and cheer them up and promise to pray for them.

So I hope that your life has been as meaningful as mine has been. A lot of life is what we make of it and seeking out how God is leading us is important too.